"EXCESS SADNESS is being colorblind and constantly told how colorful the world is."
Excessive sadness, like colors, comes in all shades, hues and variations. Depression is a clue that something is not being resolved.
Unhappiness and feeling deep sadness can leave you feeling confused, fatigued, and detached. Prolonged sadness t can also leave you feeling stuck, unmotivated and hopeless. You may no longer enjoy activities that you once found pleasurable and may start to isolate yourself from others.Yourappetite may decrease or increase, leading to weight loss or gain.Prolonged sadness can also cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, body aches and pains, and difficulty sleeping.
Overcome deep sadness through hypnosis to regain your life!
"Hypnosis is increasingly used as a treatment for prolonged deep sadness and is as effective at relieving symptoms of sadness as psychological interventions" (Milling, Valentine, McCarley, & LoStimolo, 2018).
Being sad can feel hopeless, like there’s no way out of the darkness. But long term and deep sadness is actually a signal that something in your life needs your attention. According to Calvin D. Banyan, (Author of The Secret Language of Feelings), depression is a Tertiary Feeling that kicks in “when frustration has reached its upper limits.”
There are unresolved issues causing you to feel this way, and hypnosis can help you to find those issues and get to the root of the problem. Once you resolve those issues, you can start to feel hopeful again and get back to enjoying your life. Hypnosis will take you out of the dark and back into the light.